Mcchesney Award
2023-2024 Winners:
Iyende Lenoir
Lukasz Budz
Shall be granted annually to the boy and girl, regardless of class, pony included, earning the highest total of points meeting the following conditions:
The skater must be a Class A registered member of GESS.
Points are to be scored on the following basis on final events only:
5 points for First Place
3 points for Second place
2 points for Third Place
1 point for Fourth Place
Points shall only be counted in those events which the ASAI includes in its computation of points to determine the official point standing of each skater in the State of Illinois for both long and short track events, including the National Short Track and Long Track Meets, and the North American Short Track and Long Track Meets. Any points scored at the National or North American Meets in classes not recognized by USS (commonly known as relay and exhibition classes) shall not be counted.
2023-2024 Winner:
Hannah Bernstein
Awarded annually to one male and one female competitor, regardless of class (A or B) and of racing group (i.e. Pony, Midget)
The skater must demonstrate the highest level of commitment in training and competition compared to their peers
The skater must demonstrate good sportsmanship: be supportive toward their peers; respectful of the coaching staff and all club members; be gracious in both winning and not winning; have a positive attitude..
The skater must make beneficial contributions to the club: help with mats, water and blocks at practice; share information; participate in fund raisers; not be disruptive at practices.
Most Improved
2023-2024 Winner:
Aina Smith-Valls
Awarded annually to one male and one female competitor, or, if insufficient competitors of one gender, may be awarded to two skaters of the same gender.
Skater must be a racing member who has competed in ASAI point scoring meets.
The skater can not qualify as a rookie (if they were a rookie, then they should be considered for rookie of the year award instead)
Consideration shall be given to the following to determine the winner:
Level of improvement in skating technique
Level of improvement in skating speed
Level of improvement in racing
Level of improvement in attitude
Rookie of the Year
2023-2024 Winner:
Maks Budz
Awarded annually to one male and one female competitor, or, if insufficient rookies of one gender, may be awarded to two skaters of the same gender.
Skater must be a racing member who has competed in ASAI point scoring meets.
Skater must have been a skating club member for 3 or fewer semesters.
Consideration shall be given to the following in this award:
Level of improvement achieved during “rookiedom” should be among the highest of all rookies
Skating skill should be among the highest of all rookies
Racing skill should be among the highest of all rookies
Commitment to racing should be among the highest of all rookies
The number of points scored as a B competitor should be among the highest of all rookies. If the skater advanced to A, the number of points scored as an A should be given additional weight, due to the additional competition they had relative to peers who remained B competitors.